Quiet Electric Vehicles Are Growing Part of National Park Service Operations

Shh! Do you hear that? We don’t either. Without an internal combustion engine, noise from an Electric Vehicle (EV) is limited to its tires and the radio. The quiet ride along with low maintenance costs, fuel savings and fewer emissions are attracting more EV drivers each year.
It’s not only the average EV driver that finds value in a noise-free ride. The quieter operation of electric vehicles allows the National Park Service (NPS) to maintain operations and avoid disturbing wildlife. The electric tow tractors used by the Redwood National and State Parks operate at less than 50 decibels, which is similar to the noise generated by casual conversation. The NPS alternative fuels fleet consists of nearly 600 light-duty and transit vehicles nationwide, including all-electric trams at Zion National Park (Utah), Gateway National Recreation Area (New York) and Cumberland Island National Seashore (Georgia) just to name a few. Even closer to home, the Great Smoky Mountain National Park uses alternative fuels in about one-third of their fleet.
Learn more:
Alternative Fuels in National Parks
Electric Vehicles are so quiet that the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration has finalized Quiet Car Rules to protect pedestrians and cyclists.