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Board & Governance
As a cooperative business, Blue Ridge Electric Membership Corporation exists to benefit our members and we strive to operate in their best interests.
In this section, you'll find important information about your Board of Directors: fellow members you elect to represent you. You'll also find governance documents, policies and other information that helps fairly and responsibly guide the cooperative. We encourage you to review these resources to help you learn more about how a cooperative is structured to benefit its members.

Director Jeff Joines
Caldwell District
Current Occupation: Retired Judicial Division Administrator of
North Carolina Department of Correction
Membership Residence: Lenoir, North Carolina
Biographical Information:
Blue Ridge Board member since 1998
Past Chairman, member of the Corporate Officers Group since 2002
Board President, September 2018 to present
Successfully completed all director training: Certified Cooperative Director, Board Leadership Certificate, Director Gold Certification
Past President, current board member, North Carolina Association of Electric Cooperatives, 2007 to present
Ex-officio member of all Blue Ridge Energy Committees
Past Chairman, Caldwell Member Advisory Committee
Charter Member, Past President, Caldwell County Rotary Club, 1982 to present
Paul Harris Fellow, Rotary’s Highest Honor
Chairman Emeritus, Caldwell County Sports Hall of Fame Committee
Inducted into NC American Legion Baseball Hall of Fame, 1997
Inducted in Caldwell County Sports Hall of Fame, 1998
Recipient of the Long Leaf Pine, North Carolina’s Highest Civilian honor, 2007
Graduate, Appalachian State University, BS in History, 1973

Director David Eggers
Caldwell District
Current Occupation: Retired
Membership Residence: Lenoir, North Carolina
Biographical Information:
Blue Ridge Electric Board since 2002
Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, Board of Directors, Blue Ridge Electric
Credentialed Cooperative Director
Board Leadership Certification
Former Chairman, Policy and Member Relations Committee, Blue Ridge Electric
Member, Compensation Committee, Blue Ridge Electric
Former Member, Caldwell Member Advisory Committee, Blue Ridge Electric
Past Board President, 4 years, Tarheel Electric Membership Corporation
Volunteer, Caldwell Hospice and Palliative Care
Board Member, Caldwell County Education Foundation
Retired Principal, Caldwell County Schools
Bachelor’s, Master’s and EDS degrees, Appalachian State University

Director Joy Coffey
Watauga District
Current Occupation: Retired, Vice President and Watauga Market Executive, Bank of Granite; Former Retired Senior Vice President for BB&T, Boone, North Carolina
Membership Residence: Boone, North Carolina
Biographical Information:
Blue Ridge Electric Board since 1996
Secretary-Treasurer, Board of Directors, Blue Ridge Electric
Blue Ridge Electric Corporate Officers Group
Blue Ridge Electric Compensation Committee, Chair
Blue Ridge Electric Watauga Facilities Committee, Former Chair
Blue Ridge Electric Finance and Rates Committee, Former Chair
Board member, W.A.M.M.Y Community Action, Inc
Charter member, Rhododendron Charter Chapter of American Business Women’s Association
40-year member, Oak Grove Baptist Church
Member, Three Forks Baptist Association, Budget and Finance Committee
Former Fund Raiser: American Heart Association, American Cancer Society, and Watauga Medical Foundation
Former Director, Boone Chamber
Former Director/Treasurer, Watauga Hunger Coalition
Watauga Team, CCC&TI Foundation Fundraising Committee, 2005-2009
Representation by District:
Caldwell District

Director David Eggers
Caldwell District
Current Occupation: Retired
Membership Residence: Lenoir, North Carolina
Biographical Information:
Blue Ridge Electric Board since 2002
Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, Board of Directors, Blue Ridge Electric
Credentialed Cooperative Director
Board Leadership Certification
Former Chairman, Policy and Member Relations Committee, Blue Ridge Electric
Member, Compensation Committee, Blue Ridge Electric
Former Member, Caldwell Member Advisory Committee, Blue Ridge Electric
Past Board President, 4 years, Tarheel Electric Membership Corporation
Volunteer, Caldwell Hospice and Palliative Care
Board Member, Caldwell County Education Foundation
Retired Principal, Caldwell County Schools
Bachelor’s, Master’s and EDS degrees, Appalachian State University

Director Jeff Joines
Caldwell District
Current Occupation: Retired Judicial Division Administrator of
North Carolina Department of Correction
Membership Residence: Lenoir, North Carolina
Biographical Information:
Blue Ridge Board member since 1998
Past Chairman, member of the Corporate Officers Group since 2002
Board President, September 2018 to present
Successfully completed all director training: Certified Cooperative Director, Board Leadership Certificate, Director Gold Certification
Past President, current board member, North Carolina Association of Electric Cooperatives, 2007 to present
Ex-officio member of all Blue Ridge Energy Committees
Past Chairman, Caldwell Member Advisory Committee
Charter Member, Past President, Caldwell County Rotary Club, 1982 to present
Paul Harris Fellow, Rotary’s Highest Honor
Chairman Emeritus, Caldwell County Sports Hall of Fame Committee
Inducted into NC American Legion Baseball Hall of Fame, 1997
Inducted in Caldwell County Sports Hall of Fame, 1998
Recipient of the Long Leaf Pine, North Carolina’s Highest Civilian honor, 2007
Graduate, Appalachian State University, BS in History, 1973

Director Kelly Melton
Caldwell District
Current Occupation: Finance Officer, Town of Sawmills
Membership Residence: Lenoir, North Carolina
Biographical Information:
Former Chief Financial Officer, West Caldwell Health Council Inc.
Chairperson, Caldwell County Habitat for Humanity Family Selection Committee
Former Treasurer, Collettsville School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
Member, Treasurer and former Sunday School teacher and Vacation Bible School Director, Mulvale Baptist Church
Former Branch Manager, Bank of Granite (now First Horizon Bank)
Former Branch Manager, Wachovia Bank (now Wells Fargo)
Member, The Education Foundation Inc. of Caldwell County
Former member, Vice Chair and Chairperson, Blue Ridge Electric Member Advisory Committee
Former member, Blue Ridge Electric Members Foundation
Former Board member/Vice Chair, Caldwell Friends, Inc.
Former mentor, Communities in School
Graduate, Appalachian State University, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Watauga District

Director James Burl (J.B.) Lawrence
Watauga District
Current Occupation: Licensed Real Estate Broker, Allen Tate Realtors
Membership Residence: Blowing Rock, North Carolina
Biographical Information:
Blue Ridge Electric Board since 2002
Board Leadership Certification
Credentialed Cooperative Director
Chair, Finance and Rates Committee, Blue Ridge Electric
Past Chair, Transparency and Voting Committee, Blue Ridge Electric
Former Mayor, Town of Blowing Rock
Executive Board Member, High Country Council of Governments
Member, Blowing Rock Rotary Club
Member, Blowing Rock Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Committee
Former Councilman, Blowing Rock Town Council
Former Member, Blowing Rock Rescue Squad
Former Member, Blowing Rock Volunteer Fire Dept.
Retired from First Citizens Bank
Attended Appalachian State University

Director Angie Miller
Watauga District
Current Occupation: Deputy Human Resources Director, Appalachian State University
Membership Residence: Boone, North Carolina
Biographical Information:
Human Resources, Appalachian State University, 22 years
Member, Credentials and Election Committee, Blue Ridge Electric, 2014
Member, Member Advisory Committee, Blue Ridge Electric, 2012 - 2017
Credentialed Cooperative Director, 2023
Member, State Employees’ Credit Union Advisory Board
President, Watauga County Firefighters’ Burned Children’s Fund, 2008 - 2012
Counselor, Hope Pregnancy Resource Center, 1994 - 1997
Blowing Rock Fire & Rescue, 1990-2010; recipient of the Meritorious Service Award, 2005 and 2008
Pianist, Laurel Fork Baptist Church
Graduate, Caldwell Community College, Associates Degree in Business Administration

Director Thomas Trexler (Tom)
Watauga District
Current Occupation: Retired Educator
Membership Residence: Boone, North Carolina
Biographical Information:
Served on Blue Ridge Board since 2011
Credentialed Cooperative Director
Member, Finance & Rates Committee, Blue Ridge Electric
Retired, Watauga County Schools (32 years)
Cove Creek Elementary Principal, 2007-2010
Watauga High School Assistant Principal, 2004-2007
Bethel Elementary School Principal, 2001-2004
Watauga High School Assistant Principal -1991-2001
Watauga High School Teacher/Coach, 1981-1991
Blowing Rock Elementary School Teacher/Coach, 1978-1981
Board member, Watauga County Dept. of Social Services
Former inaugural member of Watauga County Sports Hall of Fame Committee
Deacon, Personnel Committee member and church member of First Baptist Church of Boone
Worked at Blowing Rock Hardware, 27 summers
Ashe District

Director David Boone
Ashe District
Current Occupation: President/Owner of Boone Family Funeral Home
Membership Residence: West Jefferson, North Carolina
Biographical Information:
Appointed to Blue Ridge Electric Board, 2007
Served on Transparency and Voting Committee, Blue Ridge Electric
Ashe Facilities Committee, Blue Ridge Electric
Policy and Member Relations Committee, Blue Ridge Electric
Graduate, East Tennessee State University
Graduate, Cincinnati College of Mortuary Science
Licensed, Funeral Director and Embalmer
Licensed, Life Insurance Agent
Former Director, N.C. Cemetery Association
Member, Ashe Masonic Lodge, Ashe Shrine Club, and Oasis Shrine
Owner, Boone Family Funeral Home and Cremation Services, West Jefferson

Director Cindy Price
Ashe District
Current Occupation: Retired Educator
Membership Residence: Warrensville, North Carolina
Biographical Information:
Appointed to Blue Ridge Electric Board, 2018
Member, Policy and Member Relations Committee
Ashe Key Director
Former Ashe Representative, Blue Ridge Nominating Committee
North Carolina Character Educator of the Year (Awarded by Duke University Kenan Institute of Ethics), 2001
Fellow, North Carolina Educational Policy Fellowship Program, 2013
Board of Directors, North Carolina Association of Elementary Education
Region 7 Director, North Carolina Association of Compensatory Education (Federal Programs)
The Coordinating Council for Appalachian State University Public School Partnership, Member
Member of the Pastor Parish Relations Committee, Clifton United Methodist Church
NC Guardian Ad Litem

Director James Young
Ashe District
Current Occupation: Senior Vice President/Area Executive, Skyline National Bank
Beef Cattle Farmer
Membership Residence: Grassy Creek, North Carolina
Biographical Information:
Member and past chairman of the Board, New River Volunteer Fire & Rescue Dept.
Member and Former Treasurer, Rotary Club of Ashe
Former Chair and Member, Member Advisory Committee, Blue Ridge Energy, 6 years
Former Member, Blue Ridge Energy Members Foundation, Advisory Committee, Member, Credentials and Election Committee, Blue Ridge Electric
Former Member, Nominating Committee, Blue Ridge Electric
Former Youth Tour recipient, Blue Ridge Electric
7th Generation to work and live on Grassy Creek family farm
Former Senior Vice President and Business Banker, Grayson National Bank; Business Banker and Branch Manager, CommunityOne Bank; Analyst and Intern, AF Financial Group.
Graduate, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, LSU Graduate School of Banking, North Carolina Bankers Association School of Banking, and Northwest Ashe High School
Alleghany District

Director Bryan Lee Edwards
Alleghany District
Current Occupation: President, Alleghany Chamber for Economic Development
Town Manager of Sparta (retired 2020)
Membership Residence: Sparta, North Carolina
Biographical Information:
Blue Ridge Electric Board since 2007
Board Leadership Certification
Credentialed Cooperative Director
Member, Compensation Committee, Blue Ridge Electric
Former Logistics Clerk, United States Army
Attended North Carolina Institute of Government
Director, Grayson National Bank
Treasurer, Alleghany County Economic Development Commission
Past Member, Region D Development Corporation
Chairman, Virginia/Carolina Water Authority
Member, Blue Ridge Business Development Center
Member, Alleghany Group Homes, Inc.
Past President, Alleghany County Chamber of Commerce
Past Member, Alleghany Community Foundation
Graduate, Appalachian State University and Alleghany High School

Director Mitch Franklin
Alleghany District
Current Occupation: Director, New River Cottage, Inc.
Membership Residence: Sparta, North Carolina
Biographical Information:
Member, Alleghany County Economic Development Committee
Former member, Alleghany County Board of Education
Former member, Blue Ridge Electric Members Foundation
Former member, Blue Ridge Electric Member Advisory Committee
Former Director, site development, Lowe’s Companies, Inc., 23 years
Former President and member, Alleghany Wrestling Club
Member, First Baptist Church, Sparta
Former member, Alleghany Wellness Center Board
Coach for youth, middle school and high school wrestling
Graduate, Appalachian State University, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology

Director John F. Wishon, Jr. (Johnny)
Alleghany District
Current Occupation: Owner, Wishon Evergreens Wholesale Christmas Tree and Greenery Operation
Membership Residence: Sparta, North Carolina
Biographical Information:
Owner, Wishon Evergreens Wholesale Christmas Tree and Greenery Operation
Former Agriculture Education Teacher/Future Farmers of America Advisor, Alleghany High School
Former Real Estate Broker
Member, Alleghany Member Advisory Committee, Blue Ridge Electric
President, Alleghany County Farm Bureau
Board member, Chair of Long Range Planning Committee, former President and past Chair of Research Committee, NC Christmas Tree Association
Board member and past President, Alleghany Christmas Tree Association
Chair of Church Council, Mission Team member, Church Liturgist, former Trustees Chair, and member, Sparta United Methodist Church
Cub Scout Leader and Coach for youth baseball and basketball
Graduate, North Carolina State University, BS Agriculture Education
More Information:
Elections and Voting
Members have the convenience of voting online to elect their board of directors.
While members may still attend and vote for directors at the Annual Membership Meeting or by mailed proxy, the electronic voting option is designed to provide a more convenient opportunity for members to be involved in their cooperative. With a service area stretching from the foothills into the mountains and across seven counties combined with busy family schedules, this option enables members who can’t attend the annual meeting to vote for their board of directors.
Members who chose to vote electronically will receive the Notice of Annual Meeting along with instructions relating to online voting in May of each year.
Members have the convenience of voting by mail to elect their board of directors.
Each year in May, the Notice of Annual Meeting and director election materials are mailed to all members, including information on candidates and a proxy form for members to make their selections. To vote by mail, the form must be signed by the member and returned in the enclosed postage-paid envelope by the date specified in the packet. The proxy must be mailed; it cannot be given to an employee or accepted at any Blue Ridge office.
While members may still attend and vote for directors at the Annual Membership Meeting, the vote-by-mail option is designed to provide a more convenient opportunity for members to be involved in their cooperative. With a service area stretching from the foothills into the mountains and across seven counties combined with busy family schedules, this option enables members who can’t attend the annual meeting to vote for their board of directors.
Look for more information about the vote-by-mail option in the director election materials mailing to each member in early May. Prefer to vote online? Follow the information on the top right corner of your copy of the election proxy for steps on how to do so.
As always, members may vote in person at their cooperative’s Annual Membership Meeting held each year in June.
To ensure the integrity of the electronic process, a third-party election management firm was selected by the Credentials and Election Committee. Made up of members from across the cooperative’s service area, this committee is responsible for ensuring elections are properly conducted and certifying director election results.
One advantage of being served by a cooperative is the right to elect peers — other members — to serve on the board of directors to lead and guide their cooperative. The option to vote electronically, by mail, or in person at the annual meeting is designed to provide a better opportunity for more members to take part in this democratic process.
Corporate Documents
Bylaws / (updated 09/26/24) / Redline
Service Rules and Regulations / (updated 09/26/24) / Redline
Statement of Nondiscrimination
2022-2023 Blue Ridge EMC and Subsidiaries Consolidated Financial Statements
(Subsidiaries include: Blue Ridge Energies, LLC, and RidgeLink, LLC)
2022-2023 Blue Ridge Electric Members Foundation, Inc. Financial Statements
Conflict of Interest Policies – Procurement and Contract Administration
Cooperative Form 990 *
Members Foundation Form 990 *
*Historical forms can be found on
Cooperative Principles
Voluntary and Open Membership
Cooperatives are voluntary organizations, open to all persons able to use their services and willing to accept the responsibilities of membership.
Democratic Member Control
Cooperatives are democratic organizations controlled by their members, who actively participate in setting policies and making decisions. The elected representatives are accountable to the membership.
Members’ Economic Participation
Members contribute equally to, and democratically control the capital of their cooperative. At least part of that capital is usually the common property of the cooperative.
Autonomy and Independence
Cooperatives are autonomous, self-help organizations controlled by their members. If they enter into agreements with other organizations, including governments, or raise capital from external sources, they do so on terms that ensure democratic control by their members and maintain their cooperative autonomy.
Education, Training and Information
Cooperatives provide education and training for their members, elected representatives, managers, and employees so they can contribute effectively to the development of their cooperatives. They inform the general public, particularly young people and opinion leaders, about the nature and benefits of cooperation.
Cooperation Among Cooperatives
Cooperatives serve their members most effectively and strengthen the cooperative movement by working together through local, national, regional and international structures.
Concern for Community
While focusing on member needs, cooperatives work for the sustainable development of their communities through policies accepted by their members.
Our Guiding Purpose, Vision and Core Values
Guiding Purpose:
Making Life Better
Be the Best
Core Values:
Honesty and Integrity
Exceptional Member Service
Commitment to Safety of All Employees/Environmental Stewardship
Excellent Reputation
Respect and Appreciation for Employees
Commitment to Community and Cooperative Principles
Statement on Social Responsibility