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Operation Round Up
Give a little. Help a lot. Join Operation Round Up.
Neighbors helping neighbors.
That's the reason why Blue Ridge Energy was founded in 1936 and remains at the heart of all we do. That spirit of cooperation and dedication to raising everyone's quality of life is also the inspiration behind our community improvement program, Operation Round Up®.
When you join Operation Round Up, your contributions help provide food, clothing, shelter, health care and other vital community services that will benefit people in need throughout our service area. Your contribution also helps keep your neighbors warm in winter by assisting those having trouble paying their electric bill.
As a voluntary contributor to Operation Round Up, you choose to have your monthly electric bill rounded up to the next highest dollar amount. The difference between your actual bill and the next highest dollar is the amount of your donation.
For example:
If your monthly electric bill is: $93.55
Your bill will be round up to: $94
Your Operation Round Up donation: 45 cents
Your monthly contribution could be as little as a penny, but never more than ninety-nine cents. The average Operation Round Up contribution is just fifty cents per month or $6 per year — but that small amount makes a huge difference in the lives that it touches.
Program Overview:
- A member's donation averages just 50 cents per month or $6 per year.
- Maximum participation never exceeds $11.88 per year.
- All donations are tax deductible. Operation Round Up is an approved 501(c)(3) not-for-profit foundation.
- Monthly contributions will be indicated on your bill.
- Donate more than the rounded up amount if you choose.
- Stop participating at any time.
- All Operation Round Up funds will be used locally, never outside our service area.

Operation Round Up PLUS
Times are tough. Continuing unemployment. Families in need. These aren't just headlines. These are your neighbors.
Since Operation Round Up’s launch in 2007, Blue Ridge Energy members have contributed over $2 million to help members in need of electric and fuel assistance and help non-profits provide additional local assistance.
As today’s tough economic times create even greater need, members have asked how to help more.
The answer? Operation Round Up Plus!
Round up your monthly bill and add an extra $1, $5 or $10 and help your neighbors struggling to pay their bills. Over 5,000 members have joined the Operation Round Up program!
All you give goes back to our community.
- Provide crisis heating for households in financial need
- Fund grants for local community services and programs
- Help disadvantaged members reduce energy use and save money

Sign Up for
Operation Round Up PLUS
Sign up today for Operation Round Up Plus by calling your local Blue Ridge office, or by signing up via our online form.
All Member contributions are tax deductible. Cancel at any time. Annual contribution will appear on January bill.
*If you are in need of funds, please contact one of these
Emergency Assistance Agencies.