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Blue Ridge Energy supports education of our youth and our schools through a variety of scholarships, grants and learning opportunities.
Each September, Blue Ridge Energy seeks applications from area educators and principals serving grades K-12 in public schools. Bright Ideas grants provide educators with funding of up to $2,000 per grant for innovative classroom projects that benefit students and would not otherwise be covered by the school budget. Applications are open to schools in our service area of Caldwell, Watauga, Ashe, Alleghany, Avery, and Wilkes counties.
Bright Ideas has financed a variety of hands-on projects, including activities in music, art, history, language, reading, science, math, and information technology. Proposals can come from any area of the curriculum. Projects must directly benefit students, provide ongoing benefits, and use innovative teaching methods.
Blue Ridge Energy is celebrating it's 30th year of offering Bright Ideas grants as part of our support and commitment to education. To date, Blue Ridge Energy has awarded more than $649,000 and provided direct funding assistance that has impacted over 146,000 students.
Full details of the Bright Ideas program can be found at All applications must be submitted online at the website above.
For more information, please contact Tasha Rountree, director of community relations, or visit Here you will be able to see sample applications, apply online and get the answer to most any question you may have about your "bright idea.” (Note: online applications will be accepted April 1 through September 15.)
Blue Ridge Energy is part of several North Carolina electric cooperatives providing Bright Ideas grants. Together, we have provided over $16 million for North Carolina teachers and students.
Bright Ideas Grant Winners

Avery Co. 2020 Bright Ideas Grant Winners
Joelle Poor $1,500
Freedom Trail Elementary

Joelle Poor
Coding Detectives
This grant will combine the curriculum of reading and technology when students read challenging mystery novels and visually retell the story to their classmates by drawing a story map that incorporates beginning coding commands.
Wilkes Co. 2020 Bright Ideas Grant Winners
Janet St. John $258
Wilkesboro Elementary

Janet St. John
This grant will purchase a selection of books about sensitive issues such as child abuse and neglect to help students learn how to better identify consent issues and to also help school counselors and teachers meet the need of students.
Watauga Co. 2020 Bright Ideas Grant Winners
Hope Mough $456
Bethel Elementary School
Michelle Griffin $520
Bethel Elementary School
Olivia Boudwin $600
Bethel Elementary School
Chelsie Eldreth $668
Bethel Elementary
McKenna Wild $500
Green Valley Elementary School
Dr. Laurie Gill $750
Blowing Rock Elementary

Hope Mough
Stretch for Success
This grant will be used to purchase resistance bands for students in grades 5-8 to increase flexibility through stretching.
Michelle Griffin
Computer Lab Conversion
The grant will purchase three Flexispot Cycle Desk Bikes for students to use while using computers in computer skills class to offset being sedentary while connected to technology.
Olivia Boudwin
Natural Preschool
This grant will enable students to engage in music, art, fine and gross motor activities, reading, writing, and dramatic play all while being outside.
Chelsie Eldreth
Learning with Lego
The grant will purchase nine Lego kits of different cities and structures around the world. Students in the 6th grade will learn about architecture, construction, and culture with a hands-on perspective.
McKenna Wild
Building Knowledge with STEM
This grant will purchase hands-on materials to support science, technology, engineering and mathematics learning that spur creativity and innovation.
Dr. Laurie Gill
Improving Spelling & Writing Online with CoWriter
This grant will be used to purchase a two-year subscription to the writing and spelling app “CoWriter”, a program that has been shown to improve students’ spelling ability.
Caldwell Co. 2020 Bright Ideas Grant Winners
Megan Lovins $1,386
Hudson Elementary
Jeanie Robinson $1,144
Caldwell Applied Sciences Academy
Courtney Swanson $929
Collettsville Elementary School
Rylie Lytle Plaster $1,100
Horizons Elementary School
David Brotherton $1,300
Hudson Middle School

Megan Lovins
This grant will give students hands-on experiences and will focused on animal adaptations, rocks and minerals. Students will get a look at what a biologist and archaeologist do in their careers.
Jeanie Robinson
Voices of the Holocaust
The grant allows students to learn how the Resistance operated during World War II by recreating and operating an underground newspaper and radio station similar to those used during that time.
Courtney Swanson
Step It Up
This grant will help students benefit from a social and emotional curriculum that teaches self-management of emotions, relationship building and conflict resolution.
Rylie Lytle Plaster
Grow Your Mindset
The grant will be used for construction of a greenhouse that will introduce students to how gardening can help them learn to take care of something other than themselves.
David Brotherton
Is That Real?
This grant will purchase virtual reality headsets to increase interest in healthcare careers by giving students a realistic view of healthcare opportunities.
Ashe Co. 2020 Bright Ideas Grant Winners
Alexandra Miller $250
Westwood Elementary School
Sara Lambert $816
Westwood Elementary School
Kevin Miller $750
Westwood Elementary School
Mazie Sullivan $1,220
Westwood Elementary School
Taylor Hinrichs $1,267
Westwood Elementary School
Katherine Greene $1,499
Ashe County High School
Makayla Spencer $191
Westwood Elementary School
Ruth Turnmire $1,496
Mountain View Elementary School

Alexandra Miller
Growing Minds Growing Plants
This grant will improve garden beds started in 2019 to construct raised garden beds and add support for covered hoops. The project helps students work together to solve problems and learn long-term planning.
Sara Lambert
Pass the Mic!
The grant will purchase a Qball, a padded microphone that looks like a ball and can be treated as such. Using the Qball will encourage students to interact in a game-like format while social distancing. Qball will strengthen the social/emotional health of students as it shows that every voice matters.
Kevin Miller
I'll Take P.E. To Go Please
This grant will enable the students enrolled in remote learning an opportunity to have equipment and online guidance.
Mazie Sullivan
Rockin Robots
The grant will purchase six Dash robots with xylophone attachments. Music class will never look or sound the same after students code and compose with Dash robots!
Taylor Hinrichs
Stop Being So-So and Start Using Osmo
This grant will purchase a technology-based project that incorporates mathematics and phonics skills. Students will use an iPad with the Osmo device for applications that teach real-life problem solving skills and curriculum-based goals.
Katherine Greene
Art in the Home: Equality with Art Supplies
This grant will be used to provide quality art supplies to each student enrolled in one of the visual arts courses offered with Ashe online learning.
Makayla Spencer
Quilting the Curriculum
This grant will fund a collaborative project for 2nd and 4th grade students that incorporates art into social studies and math curriculum with creation of a Freedom Barn quilt mural.
Ruthie Turnmire
Ready-Set-R.E.A.D. (Reading, Engaging, Achieving, Discovering)
This grant will provide families of at-risk readers and English learners with interactive literacy kits that spark creativity and actively connect children with texts.
Alleghany Co. 2020 Bright Ideas Grant Winners
Sherry Maines $1,200
Glade Creek Elementary School
India Sturgill Souther $532
Piney Creek Elementary School
Maggie Murphy $837
Piney Creek Elementary School
Donna Link-Williams $1,000
Alleghany High School
Cecilia Hampton $1,470
Sparta Elementary School
Susanne Murphy $1,000
Piney Creek Elementary
Dana Russell $500
Alleghany High School
Sherry Maines
Inspiring 'Golden" Writers
This grant will be used to purchase a set of books designed to give students the tools and enthusiasm needed to write successfully.
India Sturgill Souther
Character Through the Global Competencies
The grant will purchase a social, emotional learning curriculum. The goal is to encourage students to expand character traits such as empathy and respect for differences and to open students’ horizons to a global view of each character trait.
Maggie Murphy
Kindness is Global Year 3
This grant helps prepare students to diversity outside of ‘their’ world by bringing the world to them through global books and artifacts.
Donna Link-Williams
Drawing on Experience
The grant will purchase electronic drawing pads to be used in classroom and in the homes of students who are doing remote learning. They will be used in social studies and art and will be a bonus to student’s education and a new, fulfilling way to convey content and skills.
Cecilia Hampton
Secrets of Vesuvius Explode into History
This grant will allow students to explore the world of Pompeii through reading, math, science, and social studies.
Susanne Murphy
No Worksheets Here!
This grant will fund a project which will provide resources needed for PreK teachers to better support their students’ early writing skills.
Dana Russell
Keeping Our Students Safe - CAREERSAFE OSHA 10-Hour (Health Care) Certification
This grant offers health science students in grades 10-12 the opportunity to acquire their OSHA 10-Hour General Industry certification which teaches students about the most common hazards in the healthcare industry.
2020 Bright Ideas Grant Winners