Energy Saving Tips

Find strategies to help you save money and energy!

These are some of the most common, but check out all 101 tips here.

Wash clothes in cold water when possible and save approximately $63 per year.

Take advantage of the sunny days of winter by opening your drapes during the day and closing them at night.

The microwave oven reduces energy consumption and cooks food in about one fourth the time.

Bake several dishes that can be cooked at equal temperatures together in the oven.

Take short showers rather than full tub baths. A normal tub bath will use up to twice as much hot water. You'll save on total water consumption as well.

Pool pumps can use significant amounts of electricity. If pumps operate by a time clock, check to make sure it is operating properly.

Well pumps average around 50 kWh per month. However, a faulty check valve, pressure switch, or leaks in lines can quickly double the electrical usage.

Install a programmable thermostat to save up to 10% on cooling and heating costs.

Change to new and improved light bulbs. Reduce energy use from about a third to as much as 80% with today's increasing number of energy-efficient halogen incandescents, CFLs and LEDs.

Clean or change filters regularly. A dirty furnace or A/C filter will slow down air flow and make the system work harder to keep you warm or cool.

Schedule service for your heating system. Find out what maintenance is required to keep your heating system operating efficiently.

Seal air leaks and properly insulate to save up to 20% on heating and cooling bills, while also increasing home comfort.