Seventy-five Percent of Plug-in Vehicles Sold in the United States in 2018 Were Made in the United States

The United States Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy has given us another reason to love electric vehicles. Did you know that 75% of plug-in vehicles sold in the United States in 2018 were made in the USA? It’s true and it’s not a new trend. See below for the Fact of the Week #1086 published on Click here to see the original report and sign up for the Fact of the Week.
Seventy-five Percent of Plug-in Vehicles Sold in the United States in 2018 Were Made in the United States
For every year except 2011, the United States has produced the majority of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) sold in the United States. In 2018, the United States produced 75%, Japan 9%, and Germany 5%, while the remaining eight countries listed produced a combined 11%. In 2011, 55% of the PEVs sold in the United States were produced in Japan, 43% in the United States, and 2% in France.
Note: PEV sales began in December 2010, thus 2011 was the first full year of sales. PEV include both all-electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. Includes sales of light-duty vehicles only.
Source: Argonne National Laboratory, Assessment of Light-Duty Plug-In Electric Vehicles in the United States, 2010–2018, ANL/ESD-19/2, March 2019.
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