2.1 Schedule GS: Available to conventional or FlexPay commercial and general service members for full time permanent service with a maximum load requirement less than 25 kilowatts (kW); or for any member requiring temporary service during construction of facilities with a maximum load requirement less than 25 kW.

2.1.1 NM:  Available to members otherwise served on Schedule GS, where a member-owned renewable energy generation system (wind-powered, photovoltaic, or micro-hydro) with a nameplate rating up to 25 kilowatts (kW), that is designed to offset all or a portion of the electrical requirements normally provided by the Cooperative, has been installed on the member’s side of the meter; and where the renewable energy generation system is interconnected with and operated in parallel with the Cooperative’s distribution system, and the member’s intent is to purchase all power requirements from the Cooperative, net of any power generated by the members’ renewable energy system in any given month, and where the member owns the property where electrical service is received from and delivered to the Cooperative.

2.3 Schedule GST (Closed as of 6/25/98) - General Service Time-Of-Use:  Available on a voluntary basis to general service, commercial, and manufacturing members for full time permanent service.

3.1 Schedule LP: Available to general service, commercial, or manufacturing members for full time permanent service with a load requirement of greater than 25 kilowatts (kW).

3.2 LP-CEV: Available to general service, commercial, or manufacturing members for full time permanent service with a maximum load requirement of 25 to 1000 kilowatts (kW) intended to be used for electric vehicle charging infrastructure. 

3.5 Schedule I : Available to manufacturing or commercial members for full time permanent service where the maximum monthly demands average at least 1,000 kW over the most recent twelve months or the annual energy requirements are at least 6,000,000 kWh.

3.6 Schedule GZP: Available to commercial or industrial members for full time permanent three-phase electric service with a maximum load requirement of 75 kilowatts (kW) or greater to new facilities located in a Cooperative designated growth zone. A growth zone is a designated commercial/industrial area that creates economic growth in the cooperative's service area in an area that is undeveloped or under development where electric utility infrastructure exists or is planned to be installed.

3.7 Schedule IEDT: Available to manufacturing members where the monthly demand averages at least 7,000 kW over the most recent twelve months or the annual energy requirements are at least 55,000,000 kWh. To qualify, the member must be classified as “Textile Mill Products,” Code 22, by the Standard Industrial Classification Manual published by the United States Government and more than 50% of the electric energy consumption of such industry is used for its manufacturing processes.

4.3 Schedule IT (Closed as of 7/26/12): Available only to full time permanent members served directly from our transmission system. Transmission system includes 44 kV and above. The Cooperative reserves the right to decide when transmission service is required.


Additional Rates Schedules and Riders


6.1 Outdoor Lighting: Available for dusk to dawn outdoor lighting service to all members where the Cooperative’s distribution facilities are located. Not available for part-time or seasonal operation of luminaires.

7.1 Schedule LC (Closed as of 4/29/2000): Available to residential and commercial members receiving service under Schedule R, RC, GS or LP.

8.1 WPCA: Wholesale Power Cost Adjustment Clause: Applicable to All Schedules except Schedule A.

8.3 Brighter Future Renewable Rider - This Rider is available on a limited and voluntary basis to local governments and institutions of higher education (qualifying member) within the Cooperative’s service territory to meet renewable energy sustainability goals.

8.4 NC GreenPower Program, Rider GP-1: Available on a voluntary basis in conjunction with any of the Cooperative’s schedules for a consumer who contracts with the Cooperative for a block or blocks of electricity produced from Renewable Resources provided through the NC GreenPower Program.

8.6 Rider NB: Available to residential or commercial members receiving concurrent service from the Cooperative’s residential or commercial rate schedules, where a member-owned renewable energy generation system (wind, photovoltaic, micro-hydro) with a nameplate rating up to 100 kilowatts (kW), that is designed to offset all or a portion of the electrical requirements normally provided by the Cooperative, has been installed on the member’s side of the meter; and where the renewable energy generation system is interconnected with and operated in parallel with the Cooperative’s distribution system and the member’s intention is to sell all power generated by the system back to the Cooperative; and where the member owns the property where electrical service is received from and delivered to the Cooperative.

8.8 CEPS Rider: Service under this Rider is applicable to all retail consumers of the Cooperative for the recovery of the Cooperative’s incremental costs associated with meeting their Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard (CEPS) pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 62-133.8 and NCUC Rule R8-67 (ratified by Senate Bill 678).

8.9 Schedule CSPP-1 - The output of cogeneration and independent power production facilities less than 1,000 kW that qualify under the Cooperative’s cogeneration and independent power production program will be purchased by the Cooperative in accordance with the current guidelines for qualifying facilities as specified by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).

9.0 Rider PS-1(Closed as of 4/29/21) Available on a voluntary basis to nonresidential members receiving concurrent service from the Cooperative on any demand billed rate schedule.

9.1 Rider CSPS-1 - Community Solar Panel Subscription:  Available on a voluntary basis to all residential and non-demand general service members receiving concurrent service from the Cooperative on one of the following rate schedules: R, RE, RC, R-NM, GS, GS-NM. This Rider will be on a first come first served basis subject to subscription availability.Under this Rider, the member can subscribe to the electric output of one or more panels located in the Cooperative’s community solar gardens.

9.2 Rider MRM-1: Applicable to residential and small general service members who request a meter that either does not utilize communications to transmit data, or is otherwise required to be read manually, provided that such a meter is available for use by the Cooperative. At the Cooperative’s option, meters to be read manually may be either an advanced meter with the communication capability disabled or other non-communicating meter.