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There are currently two rate options available to interconnect systems up to 100kW in size: Net Metering and Net Billing. Copies of the rate and rider can be reviewed and printed below.
Net Metering
Kilowatt-hours (kWhs) for renewable energy placed on the Blue Ridge Energy grid are credited to the member’s associated electric account on a monthly basis at an amount equal to the most recently approved rate schedule.
The kWh generated and delivered to the Cooperative can only offset kWh used and may not be applied to other charges or taxes.
Net Billing
Kilowatt-hours (kWhs) for renewable energy placed on the Blue Ridge Energy grid are credited to the member’s associated electric account on a monthly basis at 5.0 cents per kWh.
Net Billing accounts may also have the opportunity to contract with North Carolina GreenPower (NCGP) for a renewable energy premium payment (in addition to the local utilities payment).
Members planning to do a Net Billing interconnection should contact NCGP at or 866-533-6247 to inquire about any payment options available or current NCGP interconnection requirements, etc.
Contact information at Blue Ridge Energy, Jon Jacob, Energy Solutions Manager, at 800-451-5474, or through your local Blue Ridge Energy office.